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Everyone hates betrayal. Even if it is the trend to occasionally hide the truth in relationships, it is strongly recommended that not to follow that trend as the risk and the consequences of the truth unfolded overwhelms the minimal advantages one can derive from not to tell the truth. After all, it is understood that relationships are founded on “trust” which goes hand in hand with “truth”. Indeed, telling the truth is always the most important consideration in any relationship between people.

Factory near a community – pros and cons

A company wishes to build a factory near my community. In this imaginary situation there is only a right answer on the question: Whether it is good or bad to live near the newly established large factory. Some people will be optimistic of such an idea; on the other hand, number of residents will not support it.

First of all, it depends on what type of factory it is supposed to be. This question is very important for ecological reason. There is a strong difference between, for example, a cloth factory and metallurgical plant. No doubt, the second one is more dangerous. I can imagine the reaction of people who live in a picturesque little town or even village, near a beautiful river with clear water and beautiful sunshine then one day the representative of the above mentioned company inform them, that they should be happy because the large factory will be built not far away. Probably, they would be shocked. Everybody knows that any industrial enterprise has a strong impact on the ecological situation. Nowadays, many factories position themselves as eco–responsible. Even though they are well–equipped with sophisticated controlling systems, different filters and so on, they can just reduce adverse effects from their operation. Accidents create other problems. They could be unpredictable and very harmful. So, people, who do not usually care about dumping of chemical waste into rivers, augmentation of the level of the bad gases in the air or acid precipitation, they, indisputably, care about their health and health of their children.

On the other hand, running up of a huge factory can improve the economical situation of the region. Firstly, building process, as a labor–intensive one, will contribute to the creation of the great number of jobs. Secondly, less unemployment people, more taxes into the budget, increased buying power – all these factors are supposed to be great advantages for local people.

To my point of view, establishing of a new factory nearby is not a bad idea. But, to be truthful, I would not like to have such a “neighbor”. Probably, I would move to another place. As well as many people, I care about what food I eat, what air I breathe and what water runs from the tap. For me, good ecology and good health are more valuable than economical wealth.

Internet and the modern educational system

Independent writing task: What do you think are the impacts of the Internet on education? Give reasons and examples to support your response.

Internet is a really essential, significant innovation of human being. It has large impacts on a lot of fields, especially education. Impacts in the field of education can be either positive or negative. In the following lines, I will discuss some of the considerable one.

The first impact is that Internet is the source of books and information. Nowadays, more and more newspapers are placed on the Internet. As a result, people, from young students to old people can learn knowledge about the world outside their hometown. The Internet is also a library where people can own e-books just by a click and share them to their friends. There is countless e-books on the Internet translated into a variety of languages to be proper in the global community. It means that every single nation, no matter large or small, industrialized or not, people, if people are willing to study, they are worthy to deserve what they’d like.

The second impact is that with the Internet, students can have relaxed after all day of hard studying. After a day at school, in the evening, when students play games, chat or listen to music on the Internet, their mind will be fresh and clear to prepare for the next day. Researchers have proved that after a day of studying hard, because your brain has to work really hard to remember the lesson, do the assignments, and work in groups, it is essential for you to relax. When you relax, your blood cells will work more perfectly and fluently, the two parts of your brain will function better, and the “wardrobe” in the heart of the brain will store the information better. The Internet is a really good tool because there verities of relaxing ways on the Internet, such as listening to music, playing online games, chatting with friends, or watching funny videos. Of course, if you reap significant benefits from these things, it will not be good.

The third impact is on schools and universities. Nowadays, more and more schools are encouraging students to bring computer connected with the Internet to class. It is because with the assistance of the images and supporting information on the Internet, the lessons will be more vivid and the students will understand the lessons better. It is a win-win-win situation when students are benefited because they can learn the lessons fast and interestingly, the teachers are benefited because they do not have to teach really much and are loved by the students, the school is benefited because the parents of the children will be really satisfied and keep the children in the school.

In the end, of course, there may be some negative impacts of Internet on studying such as playing too much games or having eyes problems, but with the appealing positive consequences of the Internet on education, I think that Internet is still one of the best education tools.

Parent’s roles in educating children

In life, there are a number of sources that contribute to one’s education and growth, including: parents, teachers, friends, television, books and movies. Each source is essential to human development in some ways. In my opinion, parents are the best and most important teachers for a number of reasons.

Firstly, parents are the first teachers that each infidel encounters. Even before the babies are born, they can feel and listen to mum and dad talking and singing. After birth, parents teach their babies by sweet songs, by passionate lullabies and beautiful poems. Parents also introduce children to the world around them. Parents help them interact with beautiful, lovely natural scenes. Scientists have proved that children’s brain and thinking grow rapidly between the age of one to five, which is called the preoperational stage according to Piaget’s cognitive development theory – the period spent almost exclusively with two beautiful angels: Mum and Dad.

Secondly, parents do not only teach children to read, write and talk, but also teach children about how to correctly behave. Infants, of course, do not know anything about other people. Parents instruct them how to be polite, how to show respect, how to handle emotions, whom to trust on, whom not to trust on. Parents also teach children ethics and remind them to be honest, truthful, dedicate, forgiving to other’s fault, being generous and kind to poor, disability people. In the other word, they help the children to thrive and survive in society.

Third, and most important, parents teach their infants by example. Because children spend a huge amount of time with their parents when they are young, they learn by observation and imitation. This can be both positive and negative. By observing their parents and relative’s actions, they can learn a lot of new things, a lot of good behaviors. However, not all adult activities are good to observe. There are also some very bad one such as violence, drinking, and smoking. Children can learn these harmful behaviors if their parents exhibit such actions. Children, therefore learn what they live. If their parents are selfish, they will be selfish. If the parents are generous, their children will be generous too.

The final aspect is longevity of relationship. Since acts as teachers for 18 or more years before the child leave home and live independently, they have a much stronger impact than a school teacher whom students may know for as little as one year. Indeed, even after graduating from university, children still need the advices of their parents to struggle for life.

Even thought there are number of sources that contribute to children’s education, the lessons and examples from their parents are still the best, the most resistant one. Parents have not only educational impacts but also ethical impact on infants. For these reasons, I think that parents are the ever best, most important teacher in a person’s life.

The concept of a home

Home, for someone, is simple as a house, but for someone else, is more than a house, and sometimes it is not a house. Each life has a different thinking about the definition of “Home”.

“Where one lives or a residence” (Dictionary of the English Language, 2009). According to this definition, people may have two or more homes. When you go to work, spending eight hours in the office, may be more twelve hours in there, your office becomes a second home. You work there, you relax there, you have dinner, and you chat to your friends at your desk in your office. Sometimes, for some people, they even sleep there because of security situation. In the fact that home sometimes just “a place where you are comfortable and pleasure” (Collins English Dictionary, 2003). For example, street children have no house to come back, but they do have home. Their home may be under the bridges, on the boats along the channels, or in slums nearly a dump field. That are not a house, just a place that they feel comfortable to sleep, to retire after a hard working day and to sleep.

For some people, home is a thing that you can not replace and you always look forward. Home is a family. There are your parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, dogs, fishes, etc. Everything that you feel so familiar with. Especially, they will be the first people whom you want to share your feeling, your emotion about your job, life or you are the first person that they choose to share these things with. Home will help you to get back the balance in your life between love and money. In there, everyone will be available beside you to protect, support and go with you to get over difficulties.