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Home is either the beginning of the love, new lives, or the root of the evils. Haggard, a composer, said that “home is where the kid grows up” in the song with the same name. Imaginarily, a child was born in a good family with full love from his parents and his brothers, sisters. He will become a good man with characteristics of kindness and tolerance. He will get married with a beautiful girl and have good children, a new life, with full of love like his parents. What if his parents are not good people, they are drunk, they fall in gamble and don’t care about his son. The son grows up and begins his life as their parents. He becomes social burden and may be an evil with the end in jail.

The definition of home is not the same when people think about it. But absolutely, everyone does have a home. They will live with it or find the other one; it depends on how they define what the home is.

The future Ipad

If you could invent something new, what product would you develop?

People have many dreams. Some of them have already come true, others are still just dreams. Some dreams are big, some are just small. They all have meanings and importance with the one who dreamed them. I have a dream that I can invent an illness treating Ipad, which are used in the field of medicine. This Ipad is not for fun, of course! There are many reasons why I have this dream. In the following lines, I will explain the way it works and give three reasons to support my opinion.

My illness treating Ipad will be about 12 inches. It can both a disease treatment, a sleeping machine and a tool of working and entertainment. It’s capacity is 192 GB with a camera of 98 megapixel, which is three times the capacity of a 64 GB Ipad today. This Ipad will use the technology of digital HD. That means the image that appears on the screen will be very clear. In the Ipad, there is a sensory system that doesn’t only used for the touch screen but also for detecting illnesses. The Ipad can also photographs prints X-ray pictures and print the After detecting illnesses of the patient by sending it’s nano robot to the patient’s stomach, the Ipad will connect with famous doctors in the world find a treatment for the disease if it is serious. If the disease is too serious that can lead to immediate death, Ipad will inject a antiphlogistic and a painkiller pill to the patient‘s body and immediately call the nearest hospital. If the disease is because of viruses, the nano robot will kill those viruses and clean the contaminations. This illness treating Ipad can detect more than 15.000 types of diseases! Also, the Ipad can measure heart beats and give life advices. When you have some sadness or bad feeling, just share with the Ipad through a microphone and it can give you valuable advices. As a result, it is also called a “psychological expert”. The other function of the Ipad is to reduce noise and predict weather disasters. When there is some awful, big noise coming, it will reduce it by creating a virtual noise reducing shield. It is extremely effective at places where there are lots of people. It can predict the time when a natural disasters coming and warn it to people by a red warning. When there is some sign of a storm or earthquakes, it’s screen will enlarge from 12 inches to 18 inches. People in the places where there are lots of natural disasters will be very beneficial from it. Finally, the Ipad that I want to invent can function as a sleeping machine. With people that cannot sleep, the Ipad will create an ultra-radiant, which can make a person sleep smoothly. Then, it will also function as a dream filter, which put in good dreams, and throw bad dreams to the trash bin. The special thing is that it does not work by electricity, it works by solar energy. It helps the environment better and reduces global warming.

That is my dream. Hope it can come true in the future! By the way, what is your dream?

The importance of physical education at college

Independent writing task: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A minimum number of physical education credits should be required for graduation from college.

“My own prescription for health is less paperwork and more running barefoot through the grass”; “The greatest health is wealth” are two very famous saying of author Terri Guillemets and the Virgil. Of course, health is the wealth of life, and physical education is related prominently to health, especially in the environment full of competing between students like that in the colleges. As a result, I totally disagree with the statement and these following reasons will support my opinion.

The first reason is that we have to require physical education credits because students at colleges nowadays do not want to practice exercises. They only concentrate on studying, on how to get the best mark when they graduate. They forget that if they are not healthy, nothing can be done. Students always lock them in the room, study and study, without thinking about their health. If colleges still don’t mind that mater, students will get more diseases and become more and more exhausted. To control it, colleges should add physical education to examination subjects to remind students that they have to exercise much or otherwise if they get B or C in physical education, they will get an unsatisfied graduation record even they get A in other subjects. Its purpose is to stress the importance of physical education in colleges.

The second reason is that physical education will create a linking between faculties and faculties, schools and schools. There are a lot of faculties in the college in different subjects so two faculties do not have a middle subject to compete. For example, a biology faculty cannot compete biology with a economics faculty. If the college requires physical education in every faculty, two faculties can hold a sport competition to compete. Also, schools can compete sport with each other because they all have physical education. It is great to play sport with another school.

The third reason is that after college, if the students have to examine physical education, they can easily adapt to the harsh working environment. They are stronger and can stand the both physical and mentally challenging condition. They are ready to type a report with thousands of words, spend all night at the office continuously, go to a lot of places to market products or to meet working partner, stretch the brain to think of a report or plan; etc. These things not only need mental strength but also physical strength to struggle for these difficult works. You need to be really strong so that the brains can affect work. You also need to be strong to manipulate the brain in exhausted time. All need the balance of mind and body, gracefully and perfectly.

In the end, I totally agree with the statement and really love that physical education credits to be required in college.

The importance of some white lies

Generally speaking, lying is when we present something as being true that is not actually true. And generally speaking, lying is a sin. But not every lie is a sin. Sometimes lying can be our moral obligation. In the following lines, I will give some reasons to strengthen my opinion and states that my claim is right.

Firstly, a white lie can help you not to damage anybody’s ego and self esteem and also make people more happy and courage. Also, a white lie can strengthen the friendship between you and your friend. It can bring people positive attitude and prevent them from being disappointed. Consider this example: You come to your friend‘s house to eat dinner. The food there was terrible. The tacos was too spicy, the pork rib was overwhelmed of tomato sauce, the salad was not fresh, the beef stew with Bordeaux wine was too tough and bitter, the sausage was burned to long, the pizza was too stiff and tasteless, the spaghetti was awful, the lobster was still alive and the fish was very stinking and fetid. You cannot eat anything at all. However, this is first time your friend tries to cook. Of course you can tell the truth that food were extremely terrible and awful. But you want to maintain the friendship and don’t want to let him down or disappointed him. So there is definitely another choice. You will say to your friend: “Thank you very much! Your food is nice and it is great with a beginning cook like you. I enjoy the food today. Try your best and some day you can cook those foods brilliantly and be professional chief!” It is really beneficial for both you and your friend. What about when your wife asks you if you think she is fat, or if a particular dress makes her look fat? What about when someone asks you what you think of their new shoes (particularly when you know they don’t want your honest opinion, but simply want you to affirm what they already believe about them – that they are wonderful!), and you don’t like them? Is it ok to lie to them in order to spare their feelings, to meet their expectations, or to avoid a conflict? Is it more important to be truthful by giving your honest opinion, or to tell them what they want to hear? Finally, consider the common greeting: “How are you doing?” In our culture this is virtually equivalent to “hello.” When I pass by my neighbor in the morning and they say: “How are you doing?” I do not respond with: “Actually, I’m glad you asked. I’m doing horrible. Let me tell you what’s going on in my life.” No, I respond by saying: “I’m doing well. How are you doing?” In fact, I respond this way even if my life is falling apart at the seams. And so do you! Is this lying? After all, you are presenting something as being true which is actually not. Only a sentence that you talk out loud like that will make people to be more motivated and happy to start the new day.

Secondly, a white lie can even save people’s life! Seems ridiculous, right? Actually, that is real. Consider the scenario in which your moral obligation to protect life is pitted against your moral obligation to tell the truth. Protecting life is the weightier moral imperative of the two, and thus lying to protect that life would be the right thing to do. Consider this example: In the World War II, two Nazi soldiers arrested a group of Jews trying to escape from the region that the Nazi colonized. However, they don’t want to give those Jews to their higher command because the Jews will be killed immediately. As a result, they hide the Jews in a small, uncultivated house near the hill that the higher command cannot detect and report that they didn’t see any Jews. This also often happened in the American Civil War (1861 – 1865) when the Confederacy army soldiers hide the black slaves that they arrested.