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Finally, a white lie of the doctor can help the patient more optimistic and can recover fast. This is a real case: A doctor is treating for a cancer patient. The doctor knows that the cancer is untreatable and the patient only have one month left to live. However the doctor decides to say a white lie: “Your cancer is difficult to treat. But it is still curable. You must spend a lot of times with your family, having good, healthy diet, read and watch lots of comedies and laugh a lot. You also shouldn’t think weary and pessimistic and also usually let your brain to rest. Remember my sayings? Hope that you will recover!” So the patient is really optimistic about his living chance. After three weeks, amazingly, he recovered and can live for ten years more. That is how a white lie helpful.

To sum up, to be honest is very good and is essential in a lot of cases. However, in some cases, telling a white lie is fine and necessary. However, after telling a white lie, in a suitable time, you should tell the truth in order to maintain relation and cooperative. I agree with the statement of the topic and think that it’s fine to tell a white lie sometime.

The leadership principles

When we work in a team, group, company or more, the leader takes a very important role. Although the task is equally contributed to every member in a group, it is the leader who orients and directs the process to its destination. In my opinion, a good leader is responsible, good-scheduling and impartial.

First of all, it is the leaders’ onus to make the group’s work come up to standard and satisfying. Therefore, they must handle with the task in a careful and conscientious way. If the process is not conducted well, it should be the leader who takes the blame for that and is in earnest to make amends for the wrongdoings. Whenever his group are in hot water, the leader should be present to give them advice and instructions. Seeing their leader attentive and dedicated to the task is an encouragement for the group to try their best to fulfill the work allocated.

In addition, good leaders need to have a rational plans, schedule along with task apportion. As a leader, he definitely knows which field each of his members is major in so as to allot them their suitable assignment. Moreover, to keep the progress go smooth and prevent unnecessary delay, it is advisable to plan distinctly and clearly. For example, when a group is working on a nature conservation, each member has to deal with the situation of the natural world this week, conservation and solution next week, and do the rehearsal five days before their presentation.

In terms of working atmosphere and group relationship, impartiality is a required characteristic of good leaders. If a leader is unfair, he will give different amount of task to his members, especially the members who are obsequious or in relation to him will be given superficial or less amount of task. That will cause a feeling of partial treating in the others.

It is common knowledge that a good leader is sensible, learned and talented. However, as he is lacking in good traces, his knowledge and talent will be nullified in his group. When working in a group, I believe that a leader with characteristics above will make our process come off.

The letter to Mr. Vladimir Putin

Dear Mr. Vladimir Putin,

Just to introduce myself, I am an anonymous tree in a forest of Russia. That’s all about me, nothing really special, with no “sir” or even “Mr.” in my name. An extraordinary normal tree in a just-as-normal forest, with deep hope and expectation to you, sir – the Hero of the Earth. In this letter, I want to discuss with you, sir, about a problem that our country had just suffered from, the problem of deforestation. Luckily, I survived through that fatal event, though with many scars and pains. Sir, you a done a Great, Great work, when you winged the Bee-2oo through the air, flying over the forest, trying to stop the fire from lingering around. Your action, sir, had encouraged and motivated the rescue team to save us all. Truly saying, that time, in total desperation and painfulness, we still were really grateful and excited when we saw your plane. Sir Vladimir Putin, I have some little knowledge about airplanes, and I saw that you were really good at controlling that heavy vehicle and make it to fly smoothly. Maybe, you were a professional pilot before you became a president! However, everyone in the forest hoped that we could see your airplane in a day when the forest was peaceful, lovely and green rather than at a day when we were overwhelmed with pain and depression. But it seems like people only try to fight back a disaster when it has already came even if it was foreseen. Sir Putin! Under the reign of Mother Earth, the forests like us, ours brothers and sisters in the whole work have worked for human’s benefit. Sometimes, human even called us their “green lung” when we absorb carbonic and release oxygen, which human especially need to sustain their life.

Each year, our body can absorb more than 5.9 kg carbonic gases. We helped humankind to strengthen their health by reducing the amount of hazardous gases in the environment. To do this, our leaves with tiny holes absorb those gases, keeping hodgepodge and miscellaneous, put them through a further filtering process, and then use the water from rains to wash them down to the soil. By reducing the level of hazardous gases, we have participated in reducing greenhouse gases. We are, days and nights, solving the consequences of bad actions that humankind has done to the environment, to their own living space. Furthermore, our tree family also has many good benefits to the water flow. We can stop 25 % of rain water by raising our leaves and leaf canopies to slow down the water from rains, consequently reducing soil erosion and keeping the precious nutritive from the earth. In the raining season, forests can prevent and preclude flooding. In the dry season, the precious rain water will be transported directly to the rivers by us. Our tree family lives harmoniously between each other hence create a balanced ecosystem between animal species and trees. We also are responsible for the creation of living spaces and food for wildlife creatures. The branches that fall down to the water make great living spaces for fishes and amphibians. In hot periods, we will create shades to help animals in keeping their balanced body temperature. In our “kingdom”, everything is harmonious, peaceful, any arguments or conflicts can be easily and completely settled without the use of any weapons or any outbreaks!

And Mr. Putin, in holidays, you and other residents often come to the forests to relax because coming to us; you will feel totally relaxing and comfortable. In a pure, tranquil atmosphere, every illnesses of the modern world like stress, cardiovascular and blood pressure diseases can be relieved. ‘Cause of a great love to children, we are great playgrounds for the growth of them. More than that, children suffering ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder) when coming to our family will feel better. Do we seem like doctors, sir? Forests also bring a large source of food and fruits to humanity. Please don’t hesitate; our “supermarkets” are still at work 24 hours a day.

Dear Sir. Vladimir Putin, me and many of my relatives – the abele trees have appeared in many large magazines as the representative of Russia’s autumn. Planted next to me is a friend of mine from Vietnam – a faraway country. He was planted by a Vietnamese person who loves Russia. Through him, I know about a Vietnam with many diverse types of trees. And strange actually, forests in Vietnam also helped to hide the Vietnamese soldiers in wartime. Hmm, he had read to us poems like: “The forest covers our soldiers and surrounds the enemies.” Sometimes, he droned out many songs like: “The beautiful smell of the forest hang around on the deserted hill.” or “In the middle of the green forest rises up many beautiful poems and songs.” That’s it, sir; the forests in all over the world not only bring many great benefits to humankind but are also the inspiration for songs and poems. Nevertheless, we – trees are facing total depression and the fear of numerous catastrophes, from deforestation to being chopped down. How painful to witness the death of our relatives under the hands of humankind. Why do you human treat us that way? Please don’t destroy us or humankind will suffer from the worst consequences from our destruction!

Dear sir Vladimir Putin, I beg you that in your position, you would do more than just hover the aircraft around the sky when the forests are on fire. We also hope that, some days, we can welcome you to our family; we will raise our hand and welcome you by a strong, healthy body, not a body with wounds and pains like today. And then, the green yellow odor of trees will cover the everywhere in Russia. We are hoping for that, sir!

Wish you a great health!

The seventh art

Nowadays, movies have become very popular in our life. In Vietnam, there is at least one new film hitting cinemas every month, while television stations often play old films for free. These are reasons of movies’ popularity.

First, we can learn a lot of things from movies, for example, language, culture, history, etc. In my old English class, my teacher likes to play English movies as one of her teaching material. All of our classmates like this way and think it is interesting and effective to learn foreign language. Besides, apart from learning language, we also lively learn English culture that is very different from ours. Movie is also a good history teacher. The most interesting historical movies I have ever watched are Life is beautiful, Titanic, Schinder’s list, Gone with the wind, Pearl Harbor, etc. They all give me a lot of historical knowledge and more thorough understanding of the golden pages of World history.

Second, watching movie can release pressure. Most of us live in a modern and high-tech age. Comparing with my grandma’s age, it provides us a more comfortable, effective, and rich life. However, it gives us a lot of pressure as well. Nearly every day, we face pressure from our job, family, colleagues, etc. Pressure makes us easily nervous and have negative mood. Movie provides us an easy and economic way to release our pressure. Movie can take us away from reality and let us forget the trouble around us temporally.